原標題:2021 Mark Ryden 馬克·萊登 Works
馬克·萊登(Mark Ryden)1963年出生于俄勒岡州,在南加州長大。他是一位以黑色童話繪畫和版畫聞名的美國藝術家。由于流行超現(xiàn)實主義的發(fā)展,這位藝術家將流行文化與歷史和神話意象相結合。雷登細致的手法和糖果色的調色板傳達出一種險惡的暗流。
Artist · Mark Ryden
Mark Ryden was born in Oregon in 1963 and grew up in Southern California.Mark Ryden is an American artist known for his dark fairytale paintings and prints. Credited with the development of an illustrative aesthetic known as Pop Surrealism, the artist combines popular culture with historical and mythological imagery. Ryden’s meticulous technique and candy-colored palettes convey a sinister undercurrent.
■ Green Eyed Yak,2019. 木板油畫、手工木框. 35.6 x 40.6 x 5.1 cm.
馬克萊登 (Mark Ryden) 1963年出生于美國奧勒岡,在南加州長大。他是一位以黑色童話繪畫和版畫聞名的美國藝術家。由于流行超現(xiàn)實主義的發(fā)展,藝術家將流行文化與歷史和神話意象結合起來。萊登細致的技術和糖果色的調色板傳達了一種邪惡的暗流。
■ God Yak (#138),2019. 布面油畫, 手工木框. 137.2 x 127 x 6.7 cm.
Mark Ryden who has always been a painter since childhood, used to poke out the dog's intestines when he drew a dog in primary school, or helped himself add a third eye to his forehead in his self portrait. Needless to say, such a work is not sweet and lovely, of course, the teachers are shocked and want to send him to a child psychotherapist.
2008--2021 ARTIST'S WORKS
來源:AnArtSpace 一甸藝術
編輯:IPRdaily王穎 校對:IPRdaily縱橫君
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